I think I need a lint roller.
I had this grande (whoa I just typed an "e" at the end on accident. But I'll keep it there, b/c that's reflective of the way I normally write anyway.. I always write an extra e :/ boo) idea for a post, but I've since forgotten it. Just like I forgot my dream that I wanted to write down. That was a pretty cool dream.
I love hearing the people here banter back and forth... :D The interactions here are so interesting. I wonder if they're like that in other offices... Sometimes it's deathly silent (except for typing and clicking sounds) but most of the time there's a meeting going on, there's somebody talking to a client or two over phone or conference call, there are jokes and random things, pens being thrown around at each other (sometimes larger objects too), very occasionally a birthday party (haha), sometimes with the wii. Sometimes I can't imagine not working here. But of course I can too... Mmm
I have about 25 minutes left. What shall I do... I could eat my other pbj.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
God is SO good.
He is the definition of all that is good. And then some. Beyond what I can understand or describe or ever ever repay... He is more than enough, my all in all... I can't believe it!!!! AHHHHHH
Yesterday, I caught a [giant] snowflake. I saw it floating down from a good distance in the sky, and amidst the whirl of other [giant] snow[chunks]flakes, I watched it somehow flutter down its zigzagged path against many odds to my mouth. Omnomnomnomnom. It was like a little gift from heaven, with a message saying "I love you and care for you more than you can ever imagine. Worry not, but be still and know that I am God."
Yesterday, I caught a [giant] snowflake. I saw it floating down from a good distance in the sky, and amidst the whirl of other [giant] snow[chunks]flakes, I watched it somehow flutter down its zigzagged path against many odds to my mouth. Omnomnomnomnom. It was like a little gift from heaven, with a message saying "I love you and care for you more than you can ever imagine. Worry not, but be still and know that I am God."
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Quotes from the office
Referring to Jenn's flowers from Adam on Valentine's
Moses: "Dave would get a box of dead flowers. I would get a box of body parts."
Moses: "Dave would get a box of dead flowers. I would get a box of body parts."
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Bed Bugs
So. I have bedbugs!!!!! :( Sad face. They look like this: (images found on google, not in my room, though sadly, they may be in my room too, just not in this amount. hopefully.)

They look kind of like lice - I used to have lice as a kid. It was gross. Blood sucking little demons really seem to like me. Like mosquitos.
They are thin, like dark spaces, and can live up to a year without eating. AHHHH GROSS. They recently appeared (well, their bites) in my bed, though it's possible then that they've been there for a while... When the infestation is really bad, the victim can have rings of red spots around their body, EVERYWHERE. Thankfully my bites are only in single digits right now... The bites themselves are much like mosquito bites too, and are more emotionally damaging than physically damaging, which I can definitely attest to. It's quite traumatizing. Ew.
So here's what a swarm of bed bugs can look like: (I HATE SWARMS, OF ANYTHING)

(they can live anywhere too! like ceilings.)

EW right? :)
They are NOT CUTE. NOT CUTE!!!

Why would you want this? WHY?
I am waiting for my RD to respond to my desperate email. Maybe I'll just go bother her. Bwahhaa
So. I have bedbugs!!!!! :( Sad face. They look like this: (images found on google, not in my room, though sadly, they may be in my room too, just not in this amount. hopefully.)
They look kind of like lice - I used to have lice as a kid. It was gross. Blood sucking little demons really seem to like me. Like mosquitos.
They are thin, like dark spaces, and can live up to a year without eating. AHHHH GROSS. They recently appeared (well, their bites) in my bed, though it's possible then that they've been there for a while... When the infestation is really bad, the victim can have rings of red spots around their body, EVERYWHERE. Thankfully my bites are only in single digits right now... The bites themselves are much like mosquito bites too, and are more emotionally damaging than physically damaging, which I can definitely attest to. It's quite traumatizing. Ew.
So here's what a swarm of bed bugs can look like: (I HATE SWARMS, OF ANYTHING)
EW right? :)
They are NOT CUTE. NOT CUTE!!!
Why would you want this? WHY?
I am waiting for my RD to respond to my desperate email. Maybe I'll just go bother her. Bwahhaa
Friday, February 13, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Washing Hands.
I used to have a bad habit of biting my nails, and also my cuticles :( Bad bad bad... Sometimes though, my hands would be dirty, and when I tried to bite them (that sounds weird) I would encounter a bitter taste. And thus, from those experiences on, I learned not to bite my nails. But anyway, sometimes this still happens, but not from nail biting. Rather, my current bad habit is touching my face, particularly in the chinish area, and I don't even realize most of the time. Mer. But sometimes, my hands would still be dirty and when I eat or even lick my lips unintentionally, I'd get that bitter taste again. Maybe, I will learn from this as well to not touch my face/chin area. This is such a random confession.
Well, now comes to a close a very fun-filled and sleep-not-filled weekend... There were adventures through Wellesley, non-Wellesley, and then the backyards of Wellesley again, and here I am sitting in the Science Library, looking up call numbers for reserves and preparing myself for some fun-filled hours of reading... hahhh -- but looking back, I really did enjoy this past week! Even through all the tensions and stresses, the insecurities and emotional swings, there were so many little glimmers and then radiant outbursts of beauty and joy that I know could only have come from God. Each time I go through a emotional roller coaster, I look back and forward in awe. I'm amazed at how often and how wonderfully God brings me through them all, humbled at His grace toward me, and so so excited (or pregnant) to see what He has in store. Admittantly, there are a lot of things I'm afraid of too, but perfect love drives out all fear, and what love is more perfect that Love Himself?
Sigh... of contentment maybe. No, more than contentment. What's the word for it? I duno. But I need to wash my hands =___=
Well, now comes to a close a very fun-filled and sleep-not-filled weekend... There were adventures through Wellesley, non-Wellesley, and then the backyards of Wellesley again, and here I am sitting in the Science Library, looking up call numbers for reserves and preparing myself for some fun-filled hours of reading... hahhh -- but looking back, I really did enjoy this past week! Even through all the tensions and stresses, the insecurities and emotional swings, there were so many little glimmers and then radiant outbursts of beauty and joy that I know could only have come from God. Each time I go through a emotional roller coaster, I look back and forward in awe. I'm amazed at how often and how wonderfully God brings me through them all, humbled at His grace toward me, and so so excited (or pregnant) to see what He has in store. Admittantly, there are a lot of things I'm afraid of too, but perfect love drives out all fear, and what love is more perfect that Love Himself?
Sigh... of contentment maybe. No, more than contentment. What's the word for it? I duno. But I need to wash my hands =___=
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