Friday, January 22, 2010

Peanut Butter

Yesterday we had 汤圆! :D Super exciting. Mom said we might not have enough, so the following night I dreamed that to solve this problem, she simply cut each in half after cooking, so there were more pieces. My logic is make senses.

Also, I am having so much trouble packing up... The most I can do as of now is make a list and check it twice, and take out the shower flippyfloppys. Beyond that my mind just kind of goes 'NOOOOOO NEVARRRRRRR' and I am caught at a standstill, kind of strobe-like style though.

2009020413462243.jpg (300×300)

1 comment:

  1. awww D: me prays for your packing!!! <3 <3 <3
    and yayy food!! i cant read it.. hahaha
