Wednesday, January 20, 2010

For future records

I had a dream that I was a yellow-orange origami pterodactyl. I had an olive-green origami pterodactyl friend, and we were seeking the friendship of a red origami pterodactyl, because he/she was much wiser in the ways of origami pterodactyl-ing, and we were leik teh n00bs LOLZ. However, I was soon crushed by a falling boulder the size of a mountain as I fled from a t-rex, and subsequently morphed into a triceratops. Does anybody remember the dinosaurs tv show? Freaky thing... Yea so I lived with a triceratops equivalent of that family underground, in something like a hobbit hole (complete with many rooms and furniture and a fireplace), and I kept fearing for the safety of the baby, because I thought the velociraptors were going to come and attack. And sometime midway through the dream, I realized I didn't know how to use my dinosaur legs, b/c I kept tripping and falling over myself. :/


  1. LOLOL omgosh luma! you and your dreams! xD
    they're always so epic. <3 <3

  2. did this dream, by any chance, involve a lime-flavored jelly chomby?
