Today is

We have St. Patrick's Day brownies at the office today :) Also, God provides! He provided an awesome ride to work via coworker-who-came-back-from-dunkin-donuts-along-moody-st-just-as-i-was-walking-to-the-office-from-the-commuter-rail.
I also had a wonderful talk with my daddyo on the way to the rail :) Love my family... but most of all, God is awesome. Regardless of the situation at hand (or foot).
The scrolly thing on this mouse is broken :( It doesn't go down... only up. It's kind of saddening to not be able to hear the little 'clikclikclik' that it's supposed to make as I scroll down a page... Wah!
Mice have high accuracy and high speed - very nice user interface. Look how far we've come!
A brief history:
The first mouse... GHETTO! But it worked.
Rolly ball mice. And the joys of cleaning them. One time I put lotion on the inside of the mouse... and it didn't squeak for weeks! :)
Other rolly mice. They work upside down and sideways! Awesome.
Laser/optical mice - very nice very nice
Laser pointer mice - you know, just in case.
Creepy mice.
Versatile (nerdy) mice.
Multipurpose (confusing) mice.
Alien mouse.
Prehistoric mouse.
Cute mice. Hahahhaaha
And Walle. He's not a mouse, but his movie showcased mice. And he's awesome.
End break.
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