- Natalie Grant
Sometimes I get that overwhelming feeling - so sad, those faces on TV... If I tried to make a difference, would it help anyway? But then I stop and to myself I say, "So you wanna change the world - What are you waiting for? You say you're gonna start right now - What are you waiting for? It only takes once voice so come on now and shout it out! Give a little more - What are you waiting for?"
Sometimes I feel a little helpless - seems like I can't do a thing. But anything is possible, just you wait and see - good things happen if you just believe! So you wanna change the world - What are you waiting for? You say you're gonna start right now - What are you waiting for? It only takes once voice so come on now and shout it out! Give a little more - What are you waiting for?
Someday somehow, gonna take that step cause time is ticking away. Right here right now before it's too late, gonna face tomorrow today - So you wanna change the world - What are you waiting for? You say you're gonna start right now - What are you waiting for? It only takes once voice so come on now and shout it out! Give a little more - What are you waiting for?
There are some things worth waiting for, and some that we should wait for. But other things not so much - why wait to follow in God's footsteps? Why wait to give our heart and mind and soul, all fears and desires to Him? Why wait to obey His voice, to love Him without holding back? Why should we wait until "later", when the time is "right" or "better"? What do we know about time anyway? Except that it passes by in an hourglass permanently glued to a table, with no rewind button...
I realize now... I can say with full assurance that I know nothing except that which He has revealed to me... I can rest assured in being unsure of my immediate future. I can have peace in the midst of storms, safety in the torrents of chaos, because my safety and assurance lie in something not named Circumstance, Accomplishment, or Luck, but in Someone named Jehovah-Elohim, El-Elyon, Adonai, Jesus!
Isn't it awesome? Our Lord is God. Wooooooow...
ReplyDelete"Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light for my path" - Psalm 119:105
"If only the next step is clear, then the one thing to do is take it! Don't pledge your Lord or yourself to any steps beyond what you know. You don't see them yet. I had only a lantern, had to hold it very low or I would certainly have slipped on those rough rocks. We don't walk spiritually by electric light, but by a hand-held lantern. And a lantern shows only the next step -- not several steps ahead." - Amy Carmichael.
And in this perhaps the test of faith, of trust, comes.