Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I like when people wear glasses - perhaps it's my weird nerdy innards that for some reason rejoice when I see it - little flutterbys dance around my nerdy innards in happiness, and I find myself unwittingly going "awwwwww yaaaaaaay haaappyyyyy!!!"

I'm so weird. :(

I had 1.5 cups of coffee/hotchocolate/cream today. MMMMMMMM - and I think that my alertness is going to go away soon. Oh nooooo must stay up for labbbb :|

I'm also very very very happy to see people I know around campus (which, considering the size of this campus, is quite common). They're like rays of sunshine on a cloudy day. Except today it's pretty sunny too.

Catch a falling star and put it in your pocket, save it for a rainy day :D

Ahhhhhh shutting down +_____+

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