Saturday, October 22, 2011

Chejil -- 8 Body Types

I learned about something new recently -- chejil. From Anna's blog,
"For a long while, according to findings in Oriental Medicine, humans were classified as one of four body "constitutions" or chejil. One's chejil is determined from birth and is distinguished by the relative size and strength of one's organs. In turn, one's chejil influences one's appearance, temperment, physiology, and pathology. A specially trained hauisa, is able to determine your chejil based on your pulse."
I am an avid self-diagnoser. I've diagnosed myself with a multitude of really strange diseases and disorders, as some of you know well... So naturally, when Anna told me about this I immediately started to diagnose myself as one of the chejil.

So far, these are the ones that seem to be most descriptive of me:
Overall things that are beneficial for me:
- Seafood!!!! (YES) Leafy veggies. White rice. Cucumbers, cabbage, chocolate and bananas, pineapples. 
Things to avoid:
- Potatoes. Chicken?? (noooo) Ginseng, honey, apples.

Interesting facts:
One of the things I DIDN'T want to see on that list: Coffee and Tea. Apparently it's harmful for a pulmotonia type, so I hope I'm not that. The pulmotonic also should not have vitamins A, B, C, and D (HAHAHAHA), old fillings, or any other types of medications, and using saunas. The pancreotonic also should avoid living in red rooms, and is prone to sterility.

Ok, so this was a fun exercise, but I hope I'm none of the above. Bahah! I do like my seafood, but I also like my coffee and tea and saunas, thank you very much. But I understand where the idea of chejil come from, and I think it's probably very true and something that I should be more aware of. So FINE. I'll lay off some of those to-be-avoided foods. It will be an experiment. YAY EXPERIMENTS

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