Monday, October 24, 2011

Leaf Rose and Other Stuffs

Many of you know that I love crafts and DIY projects. I don't think I've ever posted about any of my projects though... so I'll start now! :) YAY!

I haven't had much time to do crafts lately because of school and work, but I did a lot over the summer and I'll go through them one by one, all retro-flashback-style. I don't have any tutorials written either, but I will practice doing that eventually because I'd love to one day have a large following of other craftaholics. For now I'll just photo-spew my adventures!

I had a bit of time to do one project today - Leaf Roses from DesignSponge! I didn't have the brilliant red maple leaves like the ones in the tutorial because the ones near our house are all dried and crackly - so I made do with some yellow linden and a red mulberry leaves.

Pictures! ---

Materials: scissors, floral tape, 12 total of maple, mulberry, and linden leaves.
Progress shot! I only took one.. it was too difficult to hold everything in place.
Almost done! This is when you're supposed to start taping.

Ok, so the final product doesn't look as pretty as the roses by Kate, but I'm happy!! I plan to undertake this project next: a Netbook Book Cover. As a sidenote: I dislike that it's called a "Man Craft". I like netbooks and books and hot glue guns too!!!! :( Boo.

The Netbook Book Case!

I went to the MIT bookstore loading dock sale today, and got a few books that I plan to use for this. I have to say, the covers are definitely not as cool as this one of the man fighting a bear. But the titles are beautiful.

This describes my life. 
This too. Though I'm really not that fashionable. 

And I have to share some of the pictures in the FashionEast book!!

So this is where all those stripey skirts
from summer are coming from!
This is the inside cover -- sooo pretty!

That's the end of my crafting adventures for today. I have more in my arsenal that I want to share, and so many more that I want to undertake!! Ahhh too much!!! That is what Pinterest is for. But this is it for now. Stay tuned and good night!

1 comment:

  1. Oooh! I like this, please share more :D I love looking at people's art stuff!
